Have you ever wondered how the New Testament writers read the Old Testament and how they relate it to Christ and the church? Do New Testament authors cite the Old Testament with integrity? Are you confused by the use of the Old Testament in the New? If you would like to grow in your understanding of how the New Testament uses the Old Testament, then please join us for this seminar with Chris Bruno and Ben Gladd. Sessions will include overviews of various approaches to this issue, how this applies to Israel and the Church, and related topics such as Mystery, Typology, and Prophecy. Time will also be devoted to question and answer sessions on this important issue that is neglected in many churches today.
Fri Nov 5
6 PM-6:10: Introduction/giveaways
6:10-6:30: Worship (2-4 songs)
6:30-7:30 A Survey on the NT Use of the OT and Should Believers Follow Suit (Gladd)
Break 15 Minutes
7:45-8:45 Israel and the Church (Bruno)
8:45-9:00 Worship/giveaways
Sat Nov 6
9:00-9:15 Introduction / giveaways / Worship
9:15-10:15 Mystery (Gladd)
Break 15 minutes
10:30-11:30 Typology and Prophecy (Bruno)
11:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Debate on Baptism in the context of Continuity and Discontinuity (Gladd/Bruno)
2:00-3:00 OT in the NT Example applying other sessions, specifically on Matt 8:23-27, entitled The Stilling of the Storm. (Gladd)
Break 15 minutes
3:00 – 4:00 OT in NT Example applying other sessions, specifically the use of Isaiah 61 in Luke 4:18-19 (Bruno)
Break 15 minutes
4:15-4:30 Worship/Giveaways
4:30-5:30 1stQ&A Session/Giveaways
Sun Nov 7
2:00-2:15 Worship
2:15-3:15 Preaching on OT uses in the NT Text, specifically using Mark 5:1-2, talk entitled The Gerasene Demoniac (Gladd)
Break 15 minutes
3:30-4:30 Stories of Israel in the NT, specifically the story of Israel in Stephen’s speech in Acts 7 (Bruno)
Break 15 minutes
4:45-5:45 Second Q&A Session
5:45-6:00 Worship / Closing Remarks