Dr. Tom Schreiner and Dr. Douglas Moo have had the best commentaries on the book of Romans for many years. Both Scholars have recently updated their commentaries and we have invited them to Hawaii Island to preach on various passages of the book of Romans, discuss the changes to their commentaries, and to answer questions about this important book of Scripture.
Support Hawai'i Island Reformation Fellowship. Suggested donation is $20. You may also register for free.
Fri Jan 3
6 PM-6:10: Introduction/giveaways
6:10-6:30: Worship (2-4 songs)
6:30-7:30 Rom 1:1-17 God, Gospel and Righteousness: What Romans is All About. (Moo)
Break 15 Minutes
7:45-8:45 Rom 1:18-3:20 The Depths of Depravity (Overview by Schreiner, Debate on Romans 2:12-16 between Schreiner and Moo on the meaning of this text)
8:45-9:00 Worship/giveaways
Sat Jan 4
9:00-9:30 Introduction / giveaways / Worship
9:30-10:30 Rom 3:21-4:25 The Just God who Justifies (Schreiner)
Break 15 minutes
10:45-11:45 Rom 5-8 From Old Realm to New Realm (Moo)
11:45-1:30 Lunch
1:30-1:45 Worship
1:45-2:45 Debate on Rom. 7:14-25 (Moo and Schreiner)
Break 15 minutes
3:00 – 4:00 Rom 9:1-10:21 Israel and Election (Schreiner)
Break 15 minutes
4:15-4:30 Worship
4:30-5:30 Tom Schreiner and Doug Moo First Q&A session
Sun Jan 5
2:00-2:15 Worship
2:15-3:15 Rom 11 A future for Israel and Rom 12-13 (The Renewed Mind and a New Lifestyle (Moo)
Break 15 minutes
3:30-4:30 Rom 14-16 The Importance of “Other Regard” (Schreiner)
Break 15 minutes
4:45-5:45 Tom Schreiner and Doug Moo Second Q&A Session
5:45-6:00 Worship / Closing Remarks